About Us

The Latin American College of Global Studies constitutes a Latin American global studies center that aims to highlight the potential, importance, and contribution of knowledge produced in Latin America for the understanding of major global issues, especially social inequalities and justice, cultural, ethnic/racial, and gender diversity, sustainable development, and the environment, which affect different regions of the planet.

The College is an international academic and technical space, multi and interdisciplinary, prepared and oriented for reflection and analysis, production of studies and empirical research, academic and technical training, and organization of international events and seminars focused on the topics above.

Our proposal is also based on the dialogue between Latin American studies and the recent Global Studies, being consolidated in various universities worldwide. The College seeks to position Latin American thought within the scope of Global Studies, which also presupposes a broad, interdisciplinary, and anti-Eurocentric perspective on the effects at various levels—global, regional, and local—of economic, social, and political globalization processes.


  • Promote a center of debate and scientific production in global studies, in order to contribute to the understanding of different realities, from a Latin American perspective.
  • Promote an international research and discussion network, based on the production and internationalization of the Social and Human Sciences and on interdisciplinary participation;
  • Promote the exchange of international researchers, professors and students;
  • Promote innovation in numerous areas in the field of public policies;
  • Incubate and disseminate interdisciplinary investigations with an international character;
  • Develop databases and share with the community in general;
  • Facilitate the interaction of academia with the various actors of civil society and social movements;
  • Promote joint publications and collections of works that address current issues and matters of general interest;
  • Organize international seminars, workshops, mini-courses and other joint activities.

About Us

The Latin American College of Global Studies, a FLACSO-Brasil program, is an international multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary academic space, within the Social Sciences and Humanities, ith focus on the subject of inequalities, its causes, effects, and mitigation strategies. Read more


E-mail: colegiolatinoamericano@flacso.org.br

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Casa Franco-Brasileira da Ciência

Edifício Finatec, 218-G, Av. L3 Norte, Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Asa Norte, Brasília, DF – 70910-900
