Racial Affirmative Action and Public Bureaucracy

Research on Racial Affirmative Action and Public Bureaucracy

Coordinators: Gianmarco Loures Ferreira (UnB), Prof. Rebecca Lemos Igreja (UnB)

Map of Racial Affirmative Action: http://mapadeacoesafirmativas.com/en/


The initial objetive of this research is to create an in-depth analysis of racial quotas policies in public tenders and the working mechanisms of self-declaration verification committees, seeking to understand the criteria used for their composition, how they work, what are their parameters, their challenges and limitations. For that, the research aspires to, firstly, systematize and spread updated informations on the functioning of racial quotas in Brazilian public tenders as well as the benefits of this policy. The intent is to systematize the existing experiences at national, federal, state and municipal levels, mapping the different legal frameworks present. Following that, the research will go deeper on self-declaration verification committees that already exist, choosing a few of them as qualitative field work objects. As products of this research, there will be: a) an illustrative and georeferenced map of the current racial quota models in public tenders; and b) a qualitative analysis of the functioning of these committees. We will also investigate how members of these committees have acted in the defense and promotion of racial quotas - acting, or not, as active representative beaurocracy.

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The Latin American College of Global Studies, a FLACSO-Brasil program, is an international multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary academic space, within the Social Sciences and Humanities, ith focus on the subject of inequalities, its causes, effects, and mitigation strategies. Read more


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