Social Justice, Politics and Inequalities

Research Group Social Justice, Politics and Inequalities

CoordinatorsProf. Rebecca Lemos Igreja (FD/UnB), Prof. Camilo Negri (GPP/UnB)


The research group on social justice, politics and inequalities aims to study inequalities and social justice, which is indispensable for questioning the values and rights defended by democratic societies. From different perspectives, contexts and issues, we study inequalities at different levels, from the most local to the most global and according to different criteria such as socio-cultural, economic and political variables, access to justice and rights, from a broad and interdisciplinary approach. It integrates an international network, most notably Professors Alexandra Poli of the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS/France),  Michel Wieviorka of the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH/France), Odile Hoffmann of the Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD/France) and Karina Ansolabehere of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM/Mexico).

This group is also related to the IRC Political radicalisms, extreme right and justice system, and to the research Racial Affirmative Action and Public Bureaucracy

Researchers: Camilo Negri (UnB), Gustavo Marin Guardado (CIESAS), Rebecca Lemos Igreja (UnB), Sofia Cevallos Vivar (Postdoctoral/UnB), Talita Tatiana Dias Rampin (FD/UnB)


Inequalities, the Construction of the Other and Ethnic-Racial Policies

Coordination: Rebecca Lemos Igreja

This project focuses on drawing ideological profiles of conservative governments and ideological profiles of the right and extreme right and how they are consolidated, (re)creating and legitimizing inequalities and social exclusions of all kinds. In particular, it is interesting to trace the ways through which the "other" is constructed, as opposition in the search of legitimation and from which identities are redefined. Specifically, to carry out the research, the project takes the Bolsonaro government as a subject of study, taking into account the indigenous and black issue.

Keywords: Far-right, identity, Ethnic-racial relations, Indigenous policies, Social Inequalities, racial equality policies

Associated Researchers: Sofia Cevallos Vivar (Postdoctoral / UnB)

Research Students: Doctorate - Lorena Lima Moura Varão, Raquel Cerqueira Santos; Master's degree - João Paulo Hakuwi Kuady Karaja, Larissa Carvalho Furtado Braga Silva; Undergraduate - Beatriz Amorim De Barros, Ricardo Daniel Lucas Monteiro De Sousa, Yuri Formiga Dos Santos

Radicalism and Political Culture

Coordination: Camilo Negri

Research Students: Graduate - João Victor Barbosa Ferreira; Undergraduate - Carolina Silva Nogueira, João Roberto Dos Reis De Souza

About Us

The Latin American College of Global Studies, a FLACSO-Brasil program, is an international multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary academic space, within the Social Sciences and Humanities, ith focus on the subject of inequalities, its causes, effects, and mitigation strategies. Read more



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