School of Higher Studies

The School of Higher Studies Global Inequalities and Social Justice (PPG-FD/UnB and CAPES PrInt) is promoted by the Latin American College of Global Studies and is divided into Extension activities, Graduate studies and Post-Doctoral studies. It has the objetive of providing a reflection on Global Inequalities and Social Justice, due to it being a complex, multidimensional and global issue, towards which various theoretic and methodogical perspectives from different disciplinary fields converge. This study is indispensable because inequalities prove the lack of effectiveness of the values and rights defended by democratic societies. Inequality will be considered from a broad and interdisciplinary approach, integrating different perspectives according to actors and groups of different contexts, at different levels - from local to global - using criteria such as income, wealth, living conditions, education, practices and cultural and racial differences, political participation and access to justice and rights.

Schedule & Syllabus 2019


Videos & Recordings


The Final Report


Closing Seminar


Publication Volume I


Publication Volume II


About Us

The Latin American College of Global Studies, a FLACSO-Brasil program, is an international multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary academic space, within the Social Sciences and Humanities, ith focus on the subject of inequalities, its causes, effects, and mitigation strategies. Read more



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Casa Franco-Brasileira da Ciência

Edifício Finatec, 218-G, Av. L3 Norte, Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Asa Norte, Brasília, DF – 70910-900
